Terms of Use

Welcome to the Scrie Site, an Internet resource that helps you stay in touch with your old and new friends.

The Site Administration provides you with access to the use of the Scrie Site and its functionality on the terms and conditions that are the subject of these Rules for using the Scrie Site.
In this regard, you must carefully read the terms of these Rules, which are considered by the Site Administration as a public offer in accordance with the Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Moldova dated May 30, 2003, No. 225-XV

1. Terms Used in These Rules
1.1. The Scrie Website (or the Website) is a social network known under the name "Scrie", located on the website on the Internet at the address: www.scrie.md (including all levels of the specified domains, both those operating on the date of acceptance of these Rules by the User, and those launched and put into operation during the entire term of its validity) and accessible to the User through the website, the mobile version of the website, applications and other resources, which is the result of intellectual activity in the form of a computer program. The social network is presented in objective form by a set of data and commands, and the generated audiovisual displays (including graphic images and the user interface included therein), (hereinafter referred to as data and commands), intended for the operation of computers and mobile devices in order to obtain a certain result in the form of organizing the functionality of the social network. The set of data and commands consists of activated and non-activated data and commands.
1.2. Non-activated data and commands — data, commands and generated audiovisual displays that allow increasing the amount of virtual values ​​used within the functionality of the Site. The conditions for granting the User the right to use non-activated data and commands by the Administration are defined in the license agreement, which is an integral part of these Rules.

2. Status of the Rules for Using the Scrie Site
2.1. These Rules for Using the Scrie Site (previously and hereinafter referred to as the Rules) have been developed by the Site Administration and define the conditions for using and developing the Site, its services, as well as the rights and obligations of its Users and the Administration. The Rules also apply to relations related to the rights and interests of third parties who are not Users of the Site, but whose rights and interests may be affected as a result of the actions of the Users of the Site.
2.2. These Rules are a legally binding agreement between the User and the Site Administration, the subject of which is the provision by the Site Administration to the User of access to the Site and its functionality. In addition to these Rules, the agreement between the User and the Site Administration includes all special documents regulating the provision of access to the use of individual functional capabilities of the Site (including its non-activated data, commands and services), posted in the relevant sections of the Site and / or in the services on the Site.
2.3. The User is obliged to fully familiarize themselves with these Rules before registering on the Site. Registration of the User on the Site means the full and unconditional acceptance by the User of these Rules in accordance with the Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Moldova dated May 30, 2003 No. 225-XV
2.4. These Rules may be amended and / or supplemented by the Site Administration unilaterally with notification within 3 (three) business days from the date of amendments and / or additions. These Rules are an open and publicly available document. The current version of the Rules is located on the Internet at: https://www.scrie.md/terms/terms. The Site Administration recommends that Users regularly check the terms of these Rules for changes and/or additions. The User's continued use of the Site after changes and/or additions have been made to these Rules means the User's acceptance and consent to such changes and/or additions.

3. Scrie Site Status
3.1. The rights to the Site as a whole and to use the network address (domain name) https://scrie.md belong to the Site Administration. The latter provides access to the Site to all interested parties in accordance with these Rules and the current legislation of the Republic of Moldova.
3.2. These Rules establish the conditions under which the rights to use information and the results of intellectual activity (including, but not limited to, literary, musical, audiovisual works and phonograms, graphic and design works, photographic works, computer programs) as part of individual sections of the Site may belong to the Users of the Site and other persons who independently created and/or posted the said objects on the Site without the direct participation of the Site Administration.

4. Scrie Site Administration
4.1. By the Scrie Site Administration (previously and hereinafter referred to as the Site Administration or Administration) in these Rules and other special documents posted on the Site, is meant the Company Reclama Verejan II founded on June 24, 1997 by the founders VEREZHAN IURIE [100.00%] and is an individual entrepreneur.
4.2. Appeals, proposals and claims of individuals and legal entities to the Site Administration in connection with these Rules and all issues regarding the functioning of the Site, violations of the rights and interests of third parties during its use, as well as for requests from Reclama Verejan II authorized by the legislation of the Republic of Moldova, specified in paragraph 4.1. of these Rules. The Site Administration will make efforts to consider appeals and claims addressed to it within 30 calendar days, unless another period is provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Moldova.
4.3. In relation to the functioning and development of the Site, the Administration is guided by the legislation of the Republic of Moldova, these Rules and other special documents that have been developed or may be developed and adopted by the Site Administration in order to regulate the provision of Users with access to individual functionality of the Site.
4.4. No provisions of these Rules grant the User the right to use the company name, trademarks, domain names and other distinctive signs of the Site Administration. The right to use the company name, trademarks, domain names and other distinctive signs of the Site Administration may be granted exclusively by written agreement with the Site Administration.

5. Registration on the SCRIE Website and User status
5.1. The SCRIE Website is a Service. User registration on the Site is free, voluntary and is carried out through the Scrie tool or other social services. Registration and/or authorization on the Site via SCRIE means acceptance of the User Agreement, which is publicly available on the Internet at https://www.scrie.md/terms/terms , and the Scrie Privacy Policy, which is publicly available on the Internet at https://www.scrie.md/terms/privacy-policy .
5.2. The User of the Site is an individual registered on the Site in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules, who has reached the age allowed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Moldova for acceptance of these Rules, and has the appropriate authority (previously and hereinafter – the User).
5.3. When registering on the Site, the User is obliged to provide the Site Administration with the necessary reliable and up-to-date information for the formation of the User's personal page, including a unique login and password for each User to access the Site, as well as a surname and first name. The registration form of the Site may request additional information from the User.
5.4. The User is responsible for the accuracy, relevance, completeness and compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Moldova of the information provided during registration and its purity from claims of third parties.
5.5. After providing the information specified in clause 5.3. of these Rules, the User must undergo a number of authentication procedures, namely, (a) confirm registration by recognizing an automated test designed to distinguish computers and people ("captcha"); (b) confirm the registration by confirming the profile received by the User in the form of an Internet link from the Site Administration. In case of correct sequential execution of all registration actions, a personal User page is created on the Site, which has a network address of the form https://www.scrie.md /[login]. The user has the right to assign a short (subdomain) name to the personal page, replacing the ordinal login when addressing on the Internet. Words and names whose use is prohibited in accordance with these Rules, the current legislation of the Republic of Moldova and international legal acts, including, but not limited to, obscene language, names registered as trademarks (regardless of the ICTU class), brand names and commercial designations cannot be selected as a subdomain name if the user does not own the exclusive rights to them. In case of a violation of these terms, the Administration has the right to prohibit the User from using the subdomain name assigned to them, including, if applicable, transferring the right to use it to the appropriate person (representative of the copyright holder).
5.6. Upon registration, the User agrees to these Terms and assumes the rights and obligations specified in them related to the use and operation of the Site. The User agrees to receive through the services of the Site Administration and/ or services of third parties electronic messages, SMS and other types of newsletters of information, including advertising and informational content, including from partners of the Site Administration. The right to use non-activated data and commands is granted to the User upon fulfillment of the terms of the license agreement in addition to the above (see clause 1.2. of these Rules).
5.7. After successful registration of the User on the Site, the Administration assumes the rights and obligations to the User specified in these Rules.
5.8. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Moldova. The Site Administration processes the User's personal data in order to provide the User with access to the use of the Site's functionality, including in order for the User to receive targeted advertising; verification, research and analysis of such data, allowing to maintain and improve the functionality and sections of the Site, as well as to develop new functionality and sections of the Site. The Site Administration takes all necessary measures to protect the User's personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction. The Administration provides access to the User's personal data only to those employees, contractors and agents of the Administration who need this information to ensure the functioning of the Site and provide the User with access to its use. The Site Administration has the right to use the information provided by the User, including personal data, as well as transfer it to third parties, in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Moldova, protect the rights and interests of Users, Site Administration, and third parties (including for the purpose of identifying, verifying/investigating and/or suppressing illegal actions). Disclosure of the information provided by the User may be made only in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Moldova at the request of the court, law enforcement agencies, as well as in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Moldova. Since the Site Administration processes the User's personal data in order to comply with these Rules, due to the provisions of the legislation on personal data, the User's consent to the processing of his personal data is not required.
5.9. The username and password chosen by the User are necessary and sufficient information for the User to access the Site. The user does not have the right to transfer his username and password to third parties, is fully responsible for their safety, independently choosing the method of their storage. The user can use the hardware and software used by him to allow the storage of a username and password (using cookies) for subsequent automatic authorization on the Site.
5.10. Unless the User proves otherwise, any actions performed using his username and password are considered committed by the corresponding User. In case of unauthorized access to the username and password and/ or the User's personal page, or distribution of the username and password, the User must immediately inform the Site Administration in accordance with the established procedure.
5.11. After registration, the User gets the right to independently create, use and determine the content of his own personal page and the conditions for other Users to access its content for personal purposes, and also gets the opportunity to access and post information on other Users' personal pages (subject to obtaining appropriate access rights from their owners), use Scrie social widgets on third-party sites sites without additional authorization. When using social widgets by a User, third-party sites are not provided with data about the User's username and password, as well as his data protected by privacy settings.
  • 5.12. The User, as the owner of the information posted on his own personal page, is aware that, except for the cases established by these Rules and the current legislation of the Republic of Moldova, the Site Administration does not participate in the formation and use of the content and control of other users' access to the User's personal page. By posting information on a personal page, including their personal data, the User understands and agrees that this information may be available to other Internet users, taking into account the features of the architecture and functionality of the Site.
    5.13. Creating and Using Communities
    5.13.1. The User has the right to create groups, public pages and meetings (hereinafter referred to as Communities) for the purpose of informing other Users about any events, events, organizations, both commercial and non—commercial (for example, charitable), their creation and activities, other materials of interest to Users (hereinafter referred to as Objects of Discussion), and/ or/or possible discussion of them with other Users (including by creating fan clubs, exchanging opinions, reviews, and so on). The creation of a Community is the functionality of the Site provided to the User within the framework of these Rules. The User does not acquire any exclusive rights to the Community, including, but not limited to, as a database, since the Community is a section of the Site. In the process of informing and discussing in the Communities of the Objects of Discussion, Users are obliged to comply with current Russian and international legislation, as well as post only such information that complies with these Rules, as well as recognized ethical norms and principles of morality, including those related to those in the opinion of the Site Administration.
    5.13.2. When creating and administering the Community, including when registering a subdomain name used to address the Community page, the User confirms that he is acting legally (for example, by proxy), has all the necessary rights and does not violate by his actions the legitimate rights and interests of third parties and the current legislation of the Republic of Moldova, in particular including legislation on competition and rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization. At the same time, the User understands that the rights to the Site domain, including its subdomains, belong to the Site Administration, respectively, the latter has the right at any time and without explanation to remove the User's subdomain, transfer the subdomain to a third party or use it for its own purposes. The User is solely responsible for performing any trading operations to transfer the right of administration by the Community. Such trading operations must fully comply with the current legislation of the Republic of Moldova and are performed by the User at his own risk. The Site Administration has the right to transfer the rights of Community administration from a User who is part of the Community management in the status of the creator or owner of the Community to an active User who is part of the Community management and is an administrator, editor or moderator if the User who is the creator or owner of the Community is not active on the Site for a long period of time determined by the Administration The site.
    5.13.3. In the Community, including in the description, on the main photo of the Community, in albums, in news, discussions, surveys, audio recordings, videos, on the wall, it is not allowed to post Content (in the meaning provided for in clause 7.1.1. of these Rules) in whole or in parts without the prior permission of the copyright holder, as well as information provided for in clause 6.3.4. of these Rules. The User who administers the Community is obliged to independently monitor and prevent the posting of information in the Community that does not comply with the Rules, and, if necessary, block users who violate these Rules from accessing the Community using the functionality of the Site.
    5.13.4. Advertising in Communities: In the Community, including in the description, on the main photo of the Community, in albums, in materials, discussions, surveys, on the cover, in messages, in community widgets, in the action button, etc., except for cases expressly established by this paragraph and native integrations, third-party commercial and political information is not allowed advertising. It is allowed to place third-party advertisements on the Community wall that are not from the Scrie Affiliate Program. Any information, with the exception of native integrations, that is not directly related to the Community, distributed in any form both on behalf of the Community and on behalf of other communities and Users, and aimed at attracting Users' attention to the advertised object, forming or maintaining interest in it, is recognized as third-party advertising. The User who administers the Community must independently monitor and prevent the placement of third-party advertising in the Community that does not comply with the Rules. The Community can be hosted in the Scrie Site search engine, subject to mandatory compliance with the requirements provided for in this paragraph. The Community is allowed to host native integrations that comply with these Rules. Integrations that do not comply with these Rules are recognized as third-party advertising. Native integration is recognized as such an organic implementation of the object of promotion of a third party (goods/services/work, means of individualization of a legal entity and (or) goods/services/work, manufacturer or seller of goods/services/work, the results of intellectual activity or an event of a third party (including a sports competition, concert, competition, festival)) without an obvious emphasis on it in the information material of the Community, in which the information material of the Community corresponds to the general theme and style of the Community and has an independent semantic value.
    • When posting native integrations, the following requirements must be met:
      (a) the implementation of the promotion object on the cover, the main photo of the Community and in the fixed entries on the Community wall is allowed provided that the general style of the Community remains unchanged and integration does not have a dominant character in such Community information material.
      (b) native integrations of promotion objects that violate these Rules are not allowed;
      (c) the implementation of third-party activities is not recognized as native integrations if among the mandatory conditions for participation in them there are instructions for the following actions: subscribe to the community; make a purchase; put a "Like"; share a record. The content of native integrations must comply with the following requirements:
      (a) native integrations must not be obviously promotional in nature, i.e. attract the main attention within the framework of Community information material;
      (b) the information material of the Community with native integration must fully correspond to the topic of the Community, have an independent semantic value, harmoniously fitting into the style of the Community;
      (c) native integrations may contain hyperlinks to third-party resources for additional information, but clicking on them should not be a prerequisite for obtaining basic information.;
      (d) native integration in the video is the mention of the object of promotion (both oral during the narration and visual demonstration), due to the creative nature of the video and harmoniously fits into the plot.
      5.13.5. All third-party advertisements and native integrations must comply with clauses 1 and 3 of the Rules for Placing Advertisements on the Site.
      5.13.6. The Site Administration has the right to independently, at its discretion, form and post a list of recommended Communities based on their informational value for users and other criteria. The Site Administration has the right to exclude the Community from the recommended list at any time and without explanation.
      5.13.7. The User is fully responsible for his actions related to the creation and administration of Communities, in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Moldova, international legal acts and these Rules.
      5.13.8. In case of detection of a violation in the Community of the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, the current legislation of the Republic of Moldova, as well as the provisions of these Rules, the Site Administration has the right, at its discretion, to take the following measures both individually and, if necessary, jointly in accordance with the policy of the Site Administration and depending on the nature and frequency of the relevant violations in To the Community:
      (a) remove Content and other information from the Community page and/or block access to them;
      (b) block access of specific users to the Community page;
      (c) block the access of the User who administers the Community to the Community;
      (d) transfer Community administration rights to another User;
      (e) exclude the Community from the search engine and/or block the Community;
      (e) prohibit the publication of any links and/or clicking on them and/or posting information materials (audio and video materials, including live broadcasts, documents) in the Community for any period of time;
      (g) exclude the Community from the list of recommendations and limit the visibility of Community posts in the news feed;
      (h) limit the possibility of making reposts to the Community;
      (i) disconnect the Community from Scrie resources;
      (k) limit the possibility of making money transfers to Scrie.
      5.13.9. In case of violation by the Community of the advertising procedure (provided for in paragraphs 5.13.4, 5.13.5 of these Rules), the Site Administration has the right to limit the advertising activities of the Community by prohibiting the publication of any links in the Community for any period at the discretion of the Administration and/or disconnecting the Community from all Scrie resources or its partner programs. In case of attempts to circumvent the technical restriction on the publication of links (inserting additional characters, publishing images with links, etc. d.) during the period of the ban, the Administration has the right to block the Community without the possibility of restoration.
      5.13.10. Community administrators and moderators are fully responsible for moderation and blocking of Content posted on the pages of their controlled communities. If Content appears on the pages of the communities controlled by them that contradicts the Rules of the Site or the current legislation of the Republic of Moldova, the administrators and moderators of the communities are obliged to take measures to remove the relevant materials from the pages of the communities controlled by them.
      5.14. With regard to information about himself, the User has the right:
      (a) independently delete information previously posted by the User on the Site;
      (b) independently delete the User's personal page using the "delete your page" functionality available to the User in the "My Settings" section.

6. Responsibilities of the Scrie User
6.1. When using the Site, the User is obliged to:
comply with the provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Moldova, these Rules and other special documents of the Site Administration;
provide reliable, complete and up-to-date data during registration, and monitor their updating;
inform the Site Administration about unauthorized access to the personal page and/or unauthorized access and/or use of the User's password and login;
not to provide other Users with access to their own personal page or to separate information contained on it, if this may lead to a violation of the legislation of the Republic of Moldova and/or these Rules, special documents of the Site Administration;
do not post information and objects (including links to them) on the personal page that may violate the rights and interests of others;
before placing information and objects (including, but not limited to, images of other persons, other people's texts of various contents, audio recordings and videos), pre-evaluate the legality of their placement;
to keep confidential and not provide other Users and third parties with personal data that became known to them as a result of communication with other Users and other use of the Site (including, but not limited to, home addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, passport data, banking information) and information about the private lives of other Users and third parties without obtaining the appropriate prior permission of the latter;
to back up the information stored on the User's personal page that is important to the User.
6.2. If there are doubts about the legality of certain actions, including posting information or providing access, the Site Administration recommends refraining from the latter.
6.3. The User is prohibited from using the Site:
6.3.1. register as a User on behalf of or instead of another person ("fake account") or register a group (association) of persons or a legal entity as a User. At the same time, registration on behalf of and on behalf of another individual or legal entity is possible, provided that the necessary powers are obtained in the manner and form provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Moldova;
6.3.2. mislead Users about their identity by using the username and password of another registered User;
6.3.3. misrepresent information about yourself, your age, or your relationships with other persons or organizations;
6.3.4. upload, store, publish, distribute and provide access to or otherwise use any information that:
(a) contains threats, calls for violence, including hidden ones, approval and encouragement of violent actions, discredits, offends, discredits honor and dignity or business reputation or violates the privacy of other Users or third parties;
(b) violates the rights of minors;
(c) is vulgar or obscene, contains pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexual nature involving minors;
(d) contains scenes of inhumane treatment of animals;
(e) contains a description of the means and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit it;
(f) propagandizes and/or promotes incitement to racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, on grounds of belonging to a certain gender, orientation, as well as other individual characteristics and characteristics of a person (including health issues);
(g) contains extremist materials;
(h) promotes criminal activity or contains tips, instructions or guidelines for committing criminal acts;
(and) contains information of limited access, including, but not limited to, state and commercial secrets, information about the private life of third parties;
(k) contains advertisements or describes the attractiveness of the use of narcotic substances, including "digital drugs" (audio files that affect the human brain due to binaural rhythms), information about the distribution of drugs, recipes for their manufacture and tips on use;
(k) may potentially lead to the commission of illegal actions by misleading Users or abusing their trust;
(m) and also violates other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Moldova.
6.3.5. illegally upload, store, publish, distribute and provide access or otherwise use the intellectual property of Users and third parties;
6.3.6. to carry out mass mailing of messages to other Users of the Site without their prior consent and/or any other similar unsolicited mailings (spam), including using certain functionality of the Site (for example, Site counters provided for in clause 6.3.16 of these Rules);
6.3.7. use the software and perform actions aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the Site or Users' personal pages;
6.3.8. upload, store, publish, distribute and provide access to or otherwise use viruses, Trojans and other malicious programs;
6.3.9. use automated scripts (programs, bots, crawlers) to collect information on the Site and/or interact with the Site and its functionality without special permission from the Site Administration;
6.3.10. in any way, including, but not limited to, by deception, abuse of trust, hacking, trying to gain access to the login and password of another User;
6.3.11. to carry out illegal collection and processing of personal data of other persons;
6.3.12. to use the Site in any other way except through the interface provided by the Site Administration, except in cases where such actions were expressly authorized by the User in accordance with a separate agreement with the Administration;
6.3.13. reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, carry out trading operations and resell access to the use of the Site, including its inactive data and commands, for any purpose, except in cases where such actions were expressly authorized by the User in accordance with the terms of these Rules or a separate agreement with the Administration;
6.3.14. place commercial and political advertising outside the special sections of the Site established by the Site Administration;
6.3.15. post any other information that, in the personal opinion of the Administration, is undesirable, does not correspond to the purposes of creating the Site, infringes on the interests of Users or for other reasons is undesirable for posting on the Site;
6.3.16. to carry out independently or on behalf of other Users using the functionality of their account, including by misleading or with the promise of encouragement, including using any programs, automated scripts, mass similar actions aimed at artificially increasing the indicators of the Site counters (the number of friends, "Like" marks, "Tell friends" events" etc.).
6.4. The User is personally responsible for any information that he posts on the Site, informs other Users, as well as for any interactions with other Users carried out at his own risk.
6.5. In case the User does not agree with these Rules or their updates, the User is obliged to refuse to use the Site, informing the Site Administration in accordance with the established procedure I'm fine.
6.6. The acquisition by the User of the right to use the inactive data and commands of the Site is carried out on the basis of a request to the Site Administration with the User.